SOL Forest School

We have turned 7 years around the sun!
Soulful ~ Outdoor ~ Learning
Extra Sessions

Saturday Forest Fun Sessions
Oct 2
Nov 6
Dec 4
Feb 5
Mar 5
Apr 2
May 7
Jun 4
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Blue Desert Retreat Center, Tijeras
Cost: to be announced soon!
Register: Email with "Saturday" in the subject line
Saturday Forest Fun Sessions are Back!
Come hang out with us!
1st Saturday sessions will run from 10:00 am—1 pm (9 sessions total) at the Blue Desert Retreat Center in Tijeras, New Mexico. Snack is provided & you are welcome to pack lunch & stay to picnic 1-1:30pm (parents supervise children during this time).
Saturday Explorers– ages 3-6 yrs
Saturday Adventurers– ages 6-10 yrs
Parents / caregivers are invited to stay on the 225 acre property to hike, wander, &/or spend time in a communal space reading, relaxing & connecting while your children enjoy some SOL-ful play. If there is enough interest, 1st Saturday yoga classes in the Blue Desert can also be arranged for parents (additional fees will apply).
A host of nature-based & FS-inspired activities will be provided, in addition to ample opportunities for old-fashioned, open-ended, outdoor play supported by experienced Educators & Forest School-Facilitators who are trained to manage risk in the outdoor environment.
Child brings: Backpack with seasonal clothing / supplies, a water bottle, a packed lunch & an attitude of adventure!
$42 per session paid before drop off or $350 paid in full for the session year ($28 savings) + a $20.00 snack/registration fee for the year.
14 children capacity per group; preference given to families registering for all 9 sessions.

After School Forest School Club
Interested in an After School Forest School Club? Email with "Wednesday Wonderers" in the subject line
We are currently working out the details in the hopes of launching a mid-week after school forest school program for 2021-2022. ​
Stay tuned!