SOL Forest School

We have turned 7 years around the sun!
Soulful ~ Outdoor ~ Learning
Special Events
Adventures with Duende in the Forest
a special workshop with Michelle Adam, Storyteller

Join Michelle Adam as she offers a unique storytelling workshop for our students at SOL! As a published author, educator, and storyteller, she will share her recently published children’s story, Adventures with Duende in the Forest, in its ancient Kamishibai storytelling format. Then, she will guide students with fun and dynamic activities as they create their own stories told through their eyes and that of the forest. This is your child’s chance to play, imagine, and explore his or her creative voice and connection to the forest in a magical, storytelling adventure shared with others! (Their friends are welcome to sign up as well!)
Michelle Adam has been offering storytelling to children 6 & up and their families in parks and venues throughout the state. She shares her bilingual tales using a puppet and a Kamishibai Stage, a popular wooden box with alternating images that was used to tell interactive, engaging folktales in Japanese parks in the 1930s. Adventures with Duende in the Forest is her 2nd story in a series of ADVENTURES WITH AN ELF that honors our Earth, and teaches children to love and care for her. This story is about an elf who invites a little girl to discover the magic of the forest. It rhymes in English and Spanish, invites participation from the entire family, and includes letters from animals and plants (and fungi) from the forest that children are asked to write or draw back to.
For more information on Michelle's storytelling, please visit: and on Kamishibai Storytelling see:
Following SOL's birthday celebration storytelling presentation of the Adventures of Duende in the Forest that took place on Saturday, October 1, Michelle Adam is offering this special workshop series for SOL's Forest Schoolers ages 6 & up!
Duende Storytelling Workshop for the following TWO Saturdays, attended in sequence:
When: Saturdays - November 5th • November19th
Time: 1:15 - 4:15pm
Who: Adventurers & Tall Pines past & present (ages 6-12)
Where: PINE FLAT PICNIC AREA (link to map)
Cost: $25 - $95 (sliding scale for all 3 sessions)
For Adventurers & Tall Pines (ages 6-12), participants will be required to attend BOTH sessions. This is a pilot program in partnership with SOL Forest School and author/storyteller Michelle Adam and as such, cost to attend the workshop series will be offered on a sliding scale of $25 - $95 (for both extended sessions)