SOL Forest School

We have turned 7 years around the sun!
Soulful ~ Outdoor ~ Learning
Special Events

SOL Families & Friends, past and present, please come celebrate with us!
When: Saturday, October 1, 1-4pm
Where: Pine Flat Picnic Area, reserved BBQ site "A",
South 337 from Tijeras/I-40
Event schedule:
1:00 pm – SOL Mingle
1:30 pm – Welcome & Invocation with Miss Sally & Grandma Esther
2:00 pm – Storytelling with Michelle Adam: Adventures of Duende in the Forest
3:00 pm – SOL Haiku Contest with Miss Dana
3:30 pm – Cake!
4:00 pm – Closure
Fun for the kids and all kids-at-heart, including: mud kitchen play • fort building • face painting • more!
Feel free to bring along any potluck items, ground blankets, camp chairs, musical instruments, etc. We encourage families bring their own water bottles, eating utensils & plates in our effort to try to stay as low-waste as possible.
[Please note, parents & caregivers are responsible for the supervision of their children]

More about Adventurers of Duende in the Forest with Michelle Adam:
Michelle Adam offers children 6 & up and the entire family an experience that dates back to pre-television days. She shares a bilingual tale using a puppet and a Kamishibai Stage, a popular wooden box with alternating images that was used to tell interactive, engaging folktales in Japanese parks in the 1930s. This is her 2nd story in a series of ADVENTURES WITH AN ELF that honors our earth, and teaches our children to love and care for her. Michelle's most recent bilingual story, Adventures with Duende in the Forest, is a tale about an elf who invites a little girl to discover the magic of the forest. It rhymes in English and Spanish, invites participation from the entire family, and includes letters from animals and plants (and fungi) from the forest that children are asked to write or draw back to.

and MORE! Following SOL's birthday celebration storytelling presentation of the Adventures of Duende in the Forest, Michelle Adam is offering this special storytelling workshop series for SOL's Forest Schoolers ages 6 & up!
Duende Storytelling Workshop for the following three Saturdays, attended in sequence:
When: Saturdays - October 15th • November 5th • November19th
Time: 1-3pm
Who: Adventurers & Tall Pines past & present (ages 6-12)
Where: Mars Court Trailhead, Tijeras (link to map)
Cost: $25 - $95 (sliding scale for all 3 sessions)
For Adventurers & Tall Pines (ages 6-12), participants will be required to attend all 3 sessions. This is a pilot program in partnership with SOL Forest School and author/storyteller Michelle Adam and as such, cost to attend the workshop series will be offered on a sliding scale of $25 - $95 (for all 3 sessions)