SOL Forest School

We have turned 7 years around the sun!
Soulful ~ Outdoor ~ Learning

Shinrin Yoku
"Into the forest I go, to lose my mind & find my soul."
-John Muir
Shinrin Yoku Forest Therapy
with Sally Stevens
Feeling depressed, depleted or disconnected? Moving through a challenging situation or life transition? Needing clarity or guidance? Fatigued from carrying the sadness of the world in your heart? Longing for connection to the Natural World and to other people? Living your joy, but ready for even more? Or, do you desire to take your own nature-connectedness or re-wilding to an even deeper level? Tap into the Wisdom of the Woods through Shinrin Yoku Forest Therapy!
What is Shinrin Yoku? It is a mindfulness practice that originated in Japan (Shinrin Yoku literally translates to “forest bathing”) that takes participants along a slow, gentle, sensory journey through a wooded or natural space. A Standard Sequence is followed that is aimed at bringing participants out of their heads and back into their bodies, all while enjoying the nurturing embrace of nature. Shinrin Yoku has been practiced in Japan for over a decade and it is common there for doctors to prescribe Shinrin Yoku walks to their patients. It has been clinically proven to have a positive effect on our overall health and well-being, including increasing the body’s immunity response through the formation of Natural Killer Cells, lowering blood pressure and creating an overall “re-set” to the mind, body and soul.
Sally is a trained Shinrin Yoku Forest Therapy Guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), the first certifying organization in the world that is now recognized as the international leader in this burgeoning field. In 2018 she completed an intensive week-long training in California, followed by a six-month practicum experience, preparing her to work in collaboration with the Natural World to bring you an experience you won’t soon forget.
Walks typically last 2 ½ - 3 hours in length, usually do not involve a lot of walking (it is not hiking) and culminate with tea and snacks shared in the forest. Each walk is unique and different, although the Standard Sequence is always followed, providing a soft structure to the walk that allows participants to drop into the experience. Participants should wear comfortable shoes and a sun hat, bring a water bottle and be dressed for the current season (with an additional layer to add in the fall and winter, if it gets cool). Sally’s guided walks are designed for adults, or teenagers 16 and up, although babies in baby carriers are welcome (private family walks can be arranged for children and adults across the age span).
Sally is available for private 1 on 1 walks, small group walks, and to create a special walk for professional / corporate teams for in-services, team-building or professional development. The costs for these types of walks will depend on the number of participants, as well as a few other factors, so please contact Sally to discuss the possibilities.
Sally also offers scheduled walks for the general community.
Please contact us via email at or by texting/calling #505.259.2133.
Come discover the peace, joy, and calm of Shinrin Yoku with SOL's Sally Stevens!